Can You See Comments You Liked on Instagram
As of now, there is still no feature where you can explore and scroll through the comments that you’ve liked through your journey on Instagram. One of the more effective and quick ways to really see comments you’ve liked again is to have the post where you liked the comment saved in your favorites or to know where it is. Otherwise, there’s no real way to see it immediately. You can know if you’ve liked a comment by looking to the right-hand side of the comment section and looking for a bright, pink heart.
Is There A Section in Settings That Allows You to See Comments You’ve Liked
Unfortunately, no. Any comments you’ve liked will only be able to be seen on the post itself. You can try to find the post again to see the comment you’ve liked, either through your feed, the person’s page or your favorites if you favorited the post, but otherwise, there’s no system which saves which comments you have liked or interacted with, unless you want to download the user data and sift through it. One way you can go back to reference to comments you’ve liked is to favorite the post that you interacted with to go back to later. Your favorites tab is available through your profile on the right-hand side under the flag banner icon.
How To See Liked Comments on Instagram
Instagram has an archive that’ll allow you to see all of the comments you’ve ever liked under other people’s posts. When you like other peoples comments on Instagram, Instagram stores them in an archive and you’re able to download it and look back at all of the comments you’ve ever liked. There isn’t a certain area in the Instagram app that you can go to look at all of the comments that you’ve made, but there other quick ways to check this.
1. Download Instagram Comments Data
Luckily, Instagram keeps an archive of all of the comments you’ve ever liked on the app and you can download it to see all the likes you’ve made on the app and this includes liked comments as well. If you’re willing to download your data to find all of the comments that you’ve liked, you can use the Download Data tool Instagram provides and download your liked comments on other people’s posts. From there, you can search for certain words or phrases that you’ve liked on people’s accounts that you’ve commented on using the Ctrl + F search function. The Data Download tool allows you to download any type of data that’s within your Instagram account. It can let you download pictures, search history, save history, as well as likes which will include liked comments. And because it’s all in text format, it means that you can easily search for words that you’re looking for within all of the comments you’ve liked on people’s Instagram posts.
- Select the profile icon.
- Go to Settings > Security > Data Download
- Enter your email address and select Request Download.
- Once you receive the email with a link to download your data.
- Once the zip file has been downloaded and has been unzipped using a zip extractor (this can be done by right-clicking and clicking unzip). Once you unzip the folder, you will see several folders and archives that Instagram saves.
- Click on the Comments folder and once you open it, you will find liked_comments in either html format or .json format. If it’s in the html format, click on it and you’ll be able to see all of the past comments you’ve made when the web page open. If in json format, this will open a log of all the words and phrases that have been said in all of the comments that you’ve liked on other people’s posts on Instagram.
- To look up specific Instagram comments that you’ve liked, bring up the search function using Ctrl+F on Windows, Cmd+F on Mac, or the search option on your phone’s file manager. From here, type in your keyword. If there’s a match, it should be highlighted yellow.
2. Look Back At Previous Posts You’ve Liked
If you’re an avid Instagram liker and you tend to like a lot of comments on a lot of posts that you like on Instagram, then another great way to see all of the posts you’ve left a comment on is to look at all of the posts that you’ve liked on the app. This is a good way to see all of the comments that you’ve liked on the app if downloading your liked comments archive is too long-winded. There’s no other way that you can use to find out all of the comments that you’ve liked on other peoples posts apart from looking back manually at pictures that you’ve liked and checking for comments there, searching for peoples Instagrams that you know you’ve liked comments under and looking back at all of their posts, or downloading your liked comment data using the download tool.
3. Check the Comments You’ve Liked Under Your Posts
The easiest liked comments to check are underneath your own posts. Scroll through your posts, find the images you think might contain the comment you’re looking for, and click on the speech bubble icon that appears near the bottom of the post. Here, you can scroll through your comments and find any that you’ve liked. If you liked a comment, there should be a hot pink heart bubble next to the comment.
4. Use The Your Activity Tab and Check the Comments Section
One way you can see what comments you’ve liked is by using your activities tab. This keeps track of all your interactions on the social media site and keeps all posts you might’ve interacted on in one scrollable page. To access your activity tab, follow these steps;
- Open your instagram app.
- Log in using your username or phone number and password.
- Go to your profile page.
- Click the three lines on the top of the page.
- Here, you should see a drop-down menu. Click on ‘My Activity.’
- Find interactions.
- Here, you can scroll through posts you’ve liked or comments you’ve made. You can find any posts you’ve interacted with comments or likewise, and you might be able to find the comment you’re specifically looking for. Remember, any liked comment by you will include that iconic pink heart right by its side.
Instagram still hasn’t added a way that you can search for comments you’ve liked. But there are ways around that missing feature. Usually, you’re going to have to go back and look for this post and filter through the comment section. One of the best methods to do this is to look through your user data, which includes any comments you’ve liked. Once you download your data, it should be pretty easy to find those comments and look through them. If you don’t want to use this method, you’ll have to look through your feed or any posts you’ve liked in the past. The best way to make sure you can later review these comments you’ve liked is to favorite those posts you sighted the comments you’ve liked on, it makes it easier to see later. If you’re having any other issues with Instagram, you might want to contact support. They also have articles relating to any issues you may be having navigating the application and site. On our site, we also have other articles exploring different ways to navigate Instagram and easy fixes for all of your issues. You can scroll through these whenever you want to improve your Instagram experience. If we missed anything in this article, feel free to comment and we will reach back with an article or a comment.