“We will transform governance, making it more transparent, accountable, accessible and participative,” Modi told The Hindu. He wants to turn the digital India movement into a mass movement, while ensuring that individuals’ privacy is not invaded. Our team went to some villages to understand what rural India thinks of this move. Here’s how they think technology will influence their lives: “Our kids will have better education and will get access to the world happenings if internet comes to local schools,” said Sukram Pal of Shamli village in UP. “I will order high quality seeds online and will grow better crops, “says one farmer. There are some educated service class people who think that with everything going digital ,the corruption level may go down. Here is what one responsible citizen (name not revealed on request) had to say about Modi’s digital India movement, “The babu culture in India will reduce. We no more have to give bribe to get our things done. I have recently learned how to pay income tax online and it was so easy.  With everything going digital everything will be easily accessible and even the siffarish culture and paper work will reduce.” With public Wi-Fi hot spots planned soon across the Indian landscape, the country may soon advance in race to become a developed country.  Meanwhile, TechThirsty continues to hail technology.    

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