If this condition is not detected in time, it can potentially be fatal. This condition develops as a result of some abnormality in the function of the heart. Generally, the person suffering from it would suddenly develop shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, pain in the chest, etc.  After the symptoms appear the patient needs to be rushed to the hospital soon but in many cases, the fatality occurs even before the patient receives treatment.  But thanks to the ECG feature of the Apple smartwatch, a man was given the gift of life.  Nitesh Chopra, a 34-year-old dentist from Haryana, suddenly felt discomfort in his chest. While experiencing discomfort, Nitesh switched on the ECG feature on his Apple Watch and was shocked when the watch showed an Afib warning to him. The watch prompted him to seek immediate medical attention.  Upon seeing the warning, immediately Nietsh along with his Neha rushed to a hospital to get him checked. After undergoing initial tests, it was confirmed that Nitesh indeed had Afib. He immediately underwent angiography. The results were alarming. His main coronary artery was completely blocked.  The doctors performed surgery on Nitesh and placed a stent to open up the blockage. The doctors later confirmed that Nitesh’s heart was like a ticking time bomb and had he not undergone the procedure in time, the consequences could have been fatal.  Nitesh said that since he is in his thirties it was hard for him to believe that he could have such a problem. But the alerts made him suspicious and he rushed to the hospital. His wife Neha said “While my husband was in the CCU, we compared the reading on the ECG monitor and the Apple Watch. They were very accurate and in sync with each other.” After recovery, Nitesh also wrote an email to the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, expressing his gratitude towards Apple for making smart devices that have saved many lives.  Tim Cook also responded to the email and wished Nitesh good health. 

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